I believe that not all symptoms are a result of illness. Systemic problems, transitions, living situations, and life events can all impact our ability to maintain wellness. So why are all the solutions medical?
Instead, I want to invite young people into a space where they are safe to express themselves, find support, and establish connection. We can work to bridge the gap and end the stigma around needing support by creating new models for addressing core issues caused by harmful systems.
Research demonstrates the positive impact of daily creative practice on many important aspects of general wellness such as:
- Self-esteem
- Confidence
- Processing grief and trauma
- Problem-solving
- Coping with stressors

I envision a program that utilizes a co-op model to bring together artists and mental health professionals. This program would provide young people access to the benefits of art and creativity. It would not function as a healthcare service, but rather as a preventative program able to provide support and safe space that does not carry the challenges of seeking medical care.
Where am I now with this? I am currently in the beginning planning stages. I am also working on getting the things I need to start a podcast to build knowledge and connections within the community. I plan to interview artists, therapists, and others who work with youth to gain a better understanding of the needs and the impact this could have in our community. Stay tuned!