

When it comes to addressing many mental health concerns, I believe in using a whole-
person approach to therapy. I’m passionate about working to address both the
emotional and physical symptoms of my clients from a foundation of unconditional care.
To do this, I’ve engaged in an intensive study of Compassion Focused Therapy, and
trauma-informed yoga to help my clients work with both their minds and bodies to feel
better. Using a unique blend of Compassion Focused Therapy and Feminist Theory
through a neurobiological lens, I aim to help my clients understand themselves, and the
larger systemic influences that have impacted them, in order to help them cultivate the
skills necessary to feel better holistically and achieve their unique healthcare goals.

Additionally, much of my work with clients aims to understand how the relationship we
have with ourselves can shape and influence the challenges we experience and how we
navigate them. In our therapeutic work together, we’ll work to help you build a more
compassion relationship with both yourself and others so you can conquer your
challenges in a way that truly serves you.

Lived Experience: Woman, cisgender, Demi-Sexual, experienced anxiety, PTSD,
somatic symptom disorder, ADHD, depression, chronic pain, disorder eating, childhood
trauma, familial abuse, ex-mormon.

Modalities: Compassion Focused Therapy, Feminist Theory, Somatic Therapy,
Mindfulness, Guided Breath-Work, Trauma-Informed Yoga, Cognitive Behavioral
Therapy, Trauma Informed Care, Person-Centered Therapy.

Focus: Anxiety, depression, internalized shame, somatic processing, trauma informed
care, LGBTQIA2S+, ages 13+, self-worth, body image, disordered eating, relationship
conflict, communication skills, boundary development, religious trauma.

Insurances: None

Cash Pay: $20-60

This black and white photo features Alissa, a twenty something woman with shoulder-length hair that curls loosely at the bottom. She is shown outside in front of a mountain with the sun shining down from the left of the viewer. Her head is tilted slightly to the viewer's right and she is smiling slyly with a closed mouth. Her hair is a medium color, she has freckles, and is wearing a zip up jacket with a native American pattern on it.
The Project Access Northwest logo features a black silhouette of an open door with two blue lines flowing through it. The word "project" is in all caps in black text. Under that, the word "access" is in all lower case bold text. Below that is the word "Northwest" in all caps and blue font. The text is to the right of the door image.



The past is set but the future is still being written. Unfortunately, these past events have a way of creating false narratives about who we are and what we are capable of. Through self-discovery and persona growth, you can choose for yourself what you want and start living a life you look forward to living. Working together you will be able to identify false narratives and with support be empowered to rewrite them. Together we can discover what truly matters to you and how you can achieve these goals.

Lived experience: Wife, mother, foster parent, step-parent, divorce, single parent, remarried over 10 years, anxiety, postpartum depression, infertility, and trauma.

Modalities: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Emotion Focussed Therapy, Narrative Therapy, Solution-Focused Therapy

Focus: LGBTQIA2+, Ages 13+, eating disorders, anxiety, depression, relationship conflict, and parenting.

Insurances: Aetna, Premera, BCBS, Lifewise, Heritage, Regence, Kaiser.

Cash Pay: $120-150

This black and white photo shows Aundria, a twenty something female with short light-colored hair. She is wearing a dark colored shirt and smiling.


(Any pronouns)

I am a Marriage and Family Therapist Associate based in Tri-Cities. My MFT training means that I bring a systemic lens and approach regardless of what modality is being used. My training is focused on couples, families, and other groups, but I enjoy working with individuals as well. My work will always look at the systems we exist and work within to gain greater understanding of our issues and opportunities. My goal is to create an accepting environment without judgment for clients to work on growth and goals relevant to what brings them to see me. This is done with a nurturing attitude, humor, and care. I am interested in including games or other nerdy activities into treatment where appropriate and desired by clients.

Lived Experience: white, queer, ace/aro, non-monogamous, neurodivergent, anxiety, depression, gender expansive, secular Buddhist, TTRPG nerd, loss of sibling to addiction

Modalities: Narrative Therapy, Emotionally Focused Therapy, Feminist Theory, Intersectional Theory, Solution-Focused Therapy, Internal Family Systems

Focus: LGBTQIA2+, sexual intimacy issues and exploration, neurodivergent folks, gender and sexuality exploration, nonmonogamy, depression, self-worth, ages 13+

Insurances: Aetna, Premera, BCBS, Lifewise, Heritage, Regence, Kaiser

Cash Pay: $120-150

Heidi is a twenty something caucasian person with dark hair that is a few inches long on top and shaved on the sides. They are wearing a dark collared shirt and are leaning against a landscape picture of a beach scene while smiling. They have a septum piercing and two ear piercings.
This logo features a teal-colored 20-sided die with a banner wrapped around it twice. The top part of the banner says "Short Rest" and the bottom part says "Therapy." The banner is off-white in color on the outside and rainbow-colored on the inside. Behind the dice and banner is a heart that is done in scribble style with the left half being light blue and right half being pink to represent trans people. Next to the bottom right corner of the logo are the words "A Safe Place For A Short Rest" in rainbow text.
The Project Access Northwest logo features a black silhouette of an open door with two blue lines flowing through it. The word "project" is in all caps in black text. Under that, the word "access" is in all lower case bold text. Below that is the word "Northwest" in all caps and blue font. The text is to the right of the door image.
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I truly enjoy listening to clients share their stories. I believe you are the expert on your life. I am here to listen compassionately and work collaboratively with you towards accomplishing your therapeutic goals. I am excited to reflect back to you the many strengths you already possess and to support you in developing skills that can make life easier and more fulfilling. One major hope I have for all of my clients is that they will learn to love and accept every part of themselves more fully.

In our work together it may be valuable for us to discuss the larger cultural systems we are living in. I believe much of human suffering is due to systems of oppression and the stress that comes from trying to survive in our competitive capitalist society. It can be helpful to acknowledge how these systems impact us and discuss both how we can care for ourselves while living within these systems and how we can find empowerment through challenging them.

In my free time, I can be found hanging out with my partner and friends, enjoying a variety of joyful movement hobbies, or cozy at home with my black cat.

Lived experience: Woman, cisgender, white, queer, trauma, neurodivergent, spiritual, practices meditation, anxiety, depression, intrusive thoughts, short-term inpatient hospitalizations as a young adult, in long-term recovery from: self-harm, substance abuse, eating disorder.

Modalities: Person-Centered Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Internal Family Systems, Somatic Therapy, Polyvagal Theory, Feminist Therapy, Liberation Psychology.

Focus: 2SLGBTQIA+, ages 13+, neurodivergent folks, anxiety, depression, challenges in dating and romantic relationships, self-harm, trauma, eating disorders, compulsive exercise, religion and spirituality issues, folks in 12-step groups or other programs of recovery.

Insurances: None

Cash Pay: $20-60

This black and white portrait shows Jennelle, a twenty something, female-presenting person with long, wavy, dark hair. She is wearing a dark jacket and light colored shirt and smiling with a closed mouth while posing outside on an overcast day.
The Project Access Northwest logo features a black silhouette of an open door with two blue lines flowing through it. The word "project" is in all caps in black text. Under that, the word "access" is in all lower case bold text. Below that is the word "Northwest" in all caps and blue font. The text is to the right of the door image.



Each of us has an inherent worth and value, but often internalize experiences that make us believe otherwise. Every single one of us lives under multiple interlocking systems that impact each of our lives. My ideal client may feel out of place in their family or community for numerous reasons, but is worthy of connection just the same. Each of us navigate the world in our own ways and at our own pace. Some may feel directionless while others have clear goals, regardless all are welcome in session.
I am primarily focused on creating a non-judgmental and supportive space in which I collaborate with clients to address concerns that are most pertinent to them and their goals. I am also committed to assist in the development of skills and tools required for individual and community liberation.
I welcome those that are new to therapy or those that have done therapy in the past and are seeking a change in pace. As a transgender person I have experienced discrimination in the therapeutic space and seek to create a supportive space for all regardless of identity.

Lived experience: Mixed Race (Black/white), transgender, nonbinary, woman, queer, autistic, activist, in-home case aide.

Modalities: All of my work is done through an anti-oppression intersectional lens. Feminist Therapy, Person-Centered Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Narrative Therapy, Trans-Affirming therapy.

Focus: LGBTQIA2+ (especially transgender care), neurodivergent folks, people of color, activists and community workers in developing strategies to continue their work in a balanced and supportive fashion.

Insurance: Aetna, BCBS, Premera, Lifewise, Regence, Kaiser

Cash Pay: $120-$150

Jupiter is a twenty something female, nonbinary, mixed race (black/white) person with medium length curly dark hair. She/they are looking at the camera with their head tilted slightly to the left and faintly smiling.
This image is the logo for Stardust Counseling. The business name appears in all caps in a light blue color with a pink drop shadow. To the left of the business name is a field of stars of different sizes in various shades of blue and pink.
The Project Access Northwest logo features a black silhouette of an open door with two blue lines flowing through it. The word "project" is in all caps in black text. Under that, the word "access" is in all lower case bold text. Below that is the word "Northwest" in all caps and blue font. The text is to the right of the door image.



I am dedicated to ensuring your therapeutic journey is both nurturing and impactful. Within my sessions, I cultivate a safe and inclusive space for you to explore your innermost thoughts and emotions. Utilizing diverse therapeutic approaches, I customize our sessions to align with your unique needs, empowering you to reach your therapy and life goals.

Beyond my professional pursuits, I find comfort and inspiration in traveling, indulging in art projects, immersing myself in nature's beauty, unwinding at home, and occasionally engaging in some video game adventures. If you're ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth, I'm here to support you every step of the way.

Lived experience: Cisgender white woman, chronic illness/pain, PTSD, depression, anxiety, combat veteran, military spouse, aircraft mechanic, one parent household, supporting friends/family members through crisis

Modalities: Motivational Interviewing, CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), Mindfulness, EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy) including Flash, Energy Psychology, Person-Centered, and Problem-Solving Therapy

Focus: Individuals (18-60), depression, anxiety, trauma, life transitions, stress, self-esteem, women’s issues, communication, military affiliation

Insurance: Premera, BCBS, Regence (working on credentialing with Kaiser and Aetna)

Cash Pay: $120-150

This black and white photo features Kaylynn, a twenty something year old heavy-set female with medium-colored hair just past her shoulders that curls at the ends. She is wearing glasses and a medium-colored sweater and is smiling warmly with an open mouth. She is pictured outside in front of a river on an overcast day.
This logo shows a photo of mountains on a misty day. The closer, lower mountains are covered in clouds and the sky is pink. In the middle of an image is a line drawing of two hands reaching for each other with the fingertips touching. Below the hands are the words "Positive Connections Psychotherapy." The text is in all caps and white font with "Positive Connections" in bold and "Psychotherapy" below that in regular weight caps.
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The counseling space is meant to be where you feel seen and heard without judgment—a place for compassionate discovery and expression of your authentic self. We are more than just our thoughts, feelings, body, or soul; all these aspects are interconnected and influence each other.

If you feel disconnected from yourself, others, or your purpose, I invite you to a brave space for discovery and recovery. Here, you can reclaim your authentic qualities, express yourself confidently, and let go of thoughts, beliefs, and experiences that do not serve you. This space is for deepening your understanding of what motivates you, what you long for, and what qualities you seek in relationships.

With understanding comes the opportunity to create new perspectives and experiences. While life is filled with challenges, we can find new ways to navigate them, leading to increased peace, empowerment, and joy. If this is your journey, I would love to support you as you move toward your desired life. Through compassion and curiosity, we will explore what holds you back and what will help you achieve your goals using evidence-based interventions.

Lived Experience: Woman, cisgender, pansexual, experienced anxiety, depression, disordered eating, body dysmorphia, gastric bypass surgery, divorce, Infertility, miscarriage, post-partum depression, parenting, working in health-care for over 30 years (over 16 as an RN), parental caregiving (mother with dementia), childhood attachment issues.

Modalities: Compassion Focused Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Mindfulness, Somatic Therapy, Grief Therapy, Trauma Informed.

Focus: Anxiety, depression, somatic symptoms, LGBTQIA2S++, age 18+, relationship conflict, communication, internalized shame, self-worth, body image, neurodiversity, grief, caregiver fatigue, medical/health complications, end-of-life and trauma.

Cash Pay: $120-150

Insurances: Premera, BCBS, Lifewise, Heritage, Regence, Kaiser

This black and white photo shows Keri, a middle-aged caucasian female with blonde hair that is pulled back behind her head and parted in the middle. She is wearing a dark-colored sweater or jacket and is smiling warmly.
This logo features a light green background with a black and white woodcut-type illustration of a tree. Half the tree is above the ground and the roots are showing below the ground. Immediately below the image in all caps, but small font is "Keri Hendrix, LMNCA." Below that in all caps and large print is "Connections counseling." At the very bottom, in all caps and small font is ""
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I believe in the inherent worth and uniqueness of each person. My approach is one of partnership with you where we work together toward your goals by building on your strengths, utilizing natural supports, connecting you with resources, and working together to develop effective strategies for dealing with life’s challenges.

As a true extrovert, I can be found out and about at community events or simply sitting in public spaces, such as a coffee shop or bookstore with my nose in a book. I also enjoy several art forms, water activities, and being an indoor plant parent. 

Lived experience: Woman, white, cisgender, chronic illness/pain, queer, aspec, divorced, caregiver, neurodiverse partnership, ADHD, anxiety, depression, activist, HAES, practicing intuitive eating.

Modalities: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Feminist Therapy, Somatic Therapy, Intuitive Eating - HAES, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Person-Centered Therapy, Narrative Therapy, Creative therapies (art, music, writing), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Focus: 2SLGBTQIA+, eating disorders, aspec/arospec, ages 13-30, navigating neurodiversity in relationships, anxiety, ADHD, depression, self-harm, life transitions, trans-affirming care, letters for gender-affirming surgery.

Insurances: Aetna, Premera, BCBS, Lifewise, Heritage, Regence, Kaiser, FCHN, Lyra.

Cash Pay: $150-200

Verified by Psychology Today badge logo featuring a blue heart on the left with a green stick figure attached to the right side of the heart. To the right of that is "" in all lower case text. Below that are the words "Where hope meets help."
This black and white photo features Kim, a thirty-something year old Caucasian woman. She is wearing glasses, a coat with a dark, wide collar, and has her dark hair pulled back with two pieces hanging loose on either side of her face that are slightly curled. Her head is tilted slightly to the viewer's left and she has a neutral expression.
Image contains a logo of an angled green wall meeting a yelllow floor with a lamp with a red shade and exposed bulb hanging from the top. The words "Therapy Den" appear in white text with a drop shadow over the wall and floor.
This logo indicates that the provider is "Trained & Certified by The Original Intuitive Eating Pros."

*The ‘Trained and Certified by the Original Intuitive Eating Pros' logo is a trademark of Licensor in the U.S. Used under license.*



I believe that every individual deserves a space that is wholly about them. A space where they are seen, heard, known, and validated. My approach to therapy is to assist individuals in their courageous efforts to improve themselves through unconditional positive regard and acceptance. Life presents difficult circumstances, and I am here to support you as you navigate them.
I have a deep appreciation for diversity and uniqueness, a passion to learn, and you can often find me in nature, bookstores, coffee shops, and exploring novel places whether domestically or internationally.

Focus: Individuals (adolescence through adulthood) and Couples. Life transitions, anxiety, depression, trauma, 2SLGBTQIA+, sex and sexuality, self-esteem, body image, eating disorders, relationship issues, effective interpersonal communication, premarital and marital counseling.

Modalities: Individuals: DBT (Dialectical Behavioral Therapy), ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy), CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) and TF-CBT (Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy), Sex Counseling.
Couples: Gottman Method Couples Therapy

Lived experience: Cisgender white woman, multicultural upbringing, late-stage and end of life caregiving, supporting family members through addiction and mental health crises, becoming the parent of a young sibling, losing loved ones to suicide, recovery from eating disorder.

Insurances: Aetna, BCBS, Premera, Regence, Lifewise, Heritage, Kaiser.

Cash Pay: $120-150

Lita is shown in a black and white photo. She is a twenty something female with long dark hair and is smiling. She is wearing a tank top and is tilting her head to the right.
This image contains the logo for Malama Counseling. It features a square made of leaves of various species of plants in multiple shades of green. Underneath are the words "Malama Counseling" in all caps. Beneath that, in all caps but smaller font are the words "Psychotherapy for individuals and couples."
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My name is MacKinsey Taylor, and I am a clinical mental health counseling and drama therapy intern based in Seattle, Washington. I uphold the belief that all people have inherent self-worth. I am passionate about working alongside you to help encourage and empower you to see and believe in your own strengths and internal wisdom. I maintain a strong dedication to advocacy and social justice, and my goal is to work collaboratively with you to help you reach your goals and co-create brave spaces.

I use an integrated approach in my counseling, pulling from a wide variety of theories. As appropriate, I integrate drama therapy. Drama therapy is the intentional use of theater techniques to facilitate personal growth and promote health. As a drama therapy intern, I am trained to work with clients in a variety of creative art therapy modalities such as role-play, improvisation, psychodramatic techniques, art, music, poetry, creative writing, phototherapy, and movement to address symptom relief and personal growth. I believe that drama therapy offers an element of play and aesthetic distance that can offer a unique way to explore and work towards therapeutic goals. Drama therapy can be particularly beneficial in connecting the mind, body, and spirit.

Lived experience: Woman, cisgender, white, bisexual, spiritual, experienced trauma, anxiety, depression, disordered eating, body dysmorphia

Modalities: Drama Therapy, Person-Centered Therapy, Role Theory, Attachment Theory, Feminist and Multicultural Theories, Internal Family Systems, Somatic Therapy, Polyvagal Theory, Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Focus: 2SLGBTQIA+, neurodivergent folks, anxiety, depression, trauma, eating disorders, body image, life transitions, self-esteem, adults, young adults, adolescents, attachment issues

Insurances: None

Cash Pay: $20-60

This black and white image features MacKinsey, a twenty something caucasian woman with medium-toned, shoulder-length, feathered hair with short bangs. She is wearing a dark colored turtleneck sweater and shown in front of a light-colored fabric background. Her face is turned slightly towards the viewer's left and she is smiling slightly with a closed mouth.
The Project Access Northwest logo features a black silhouette of an open door with two blue lines flowing through it. The word "project" is in all caps in black text. Under that, the word "access" is in all lower case bold text. Below that is the word "Northwest" in all caps and blue font. The text is to the right of the door image.



My name is Mallory Thrall and I take a collaborative approach with my clients to establish goals and a plan that they feel is achievable to them. I like to give my clients information about what they are experiencing with context that can be helpful to provide motivation or just understanding of what's going on. I then offer some skills that can be utilized when these symptoms are presented along with gathering a history of when these symptoms started. I believe that understanding is the first step towards growth and understanding why our brain works the way it does.

If you are a person that is interested in an action-oriented therapeutic approach, I think that we could do good work together.

Lived Experience: woman, cisgender, bisexual, experienced depression, anxiety, and panic attacks, ADHD, supporting family members through mental health crises, divorced parents

Modalities: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Compassion Focused Therapy, Exposure and Prevention Therapy, Feminist Therapy, Solution Focused Therapy, and Trauma-Focused Therapy

Focus: 2SLGBTQIA+, Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, Relationship Conflict, Neurodivergence, Women's Issues, PTSD, Gender & Sexuality Exploration, OCD

Insurance: Aetna, Premera, BCBS, Lifewise, Heritage, Regence, Kaiser

Cash pay: $120-150

This black and white image features Mallory, a twenty something year old female with long dark hair in loose curls. She is wearing a light colored blazer with a medium colored shirt and is facing the viewer straight on and smiling slightly, which brings out dimples in her cheeks. She is standing in a corner outside a stucco building with the bottom of a deck overhead, a door to the left, and a curtained door with a hanging plant behind her.
This logo is a light blue or periwinkle circle with dark gray grass and a black ferret with a white belly standing up in the lower portion of the circle. The words Thrall Counseling, PLLC are featured in black shadowed text in the top half of the circle.



Therapy can be a painful yet healing process. At times, you might find yourself experiencing difficult emotions in a session. I believe that acknowledging these painful emotions is an essential step toward living a happier life. I want to help you get to the point where you don’t feel like you need counseling anymore. You are the expert in your own life, and I am here to help you make sense of the chaos. Therapy doesn’t have to be all crying and reliving trauma--we can also laugh at the messy parts of being a human being right now. You’ve been through a lot already, and I know you are ready to take on this challenge.

Lived experience: Cisgender female, Twin, Ex-Mormon, Stroke Survivor, Anxiety, Trauma,

Modalities: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Feminist Therapy, Narrative Therapy, Health at Every Size, Mindfulness, Person Centered Therapy, Solution Focused Therapy

Focus: Ages 18-45, life stressors and transitions, LGBTQIA2+ , recovery from high demand religions, attachment issues, anxiety, disordered eating, twinship issues

Insurances: Aetna, Premera, BCBS, Lifewise, Heritage, Regence, Kaiser, First Choice Health Network.

Cash Pay: $150-200

This image shows Nancy, a 40 something year old woman with curly light-colored hair that descends past her shoulders. Her body is angled to the viewer's right and she is wearing a medium tone sleeveless shirt with the top portion being made of lace. She is looking straight at the camera and smiling warmly.



It is my utmost aspiration to meet each wonderfully unique client with the support and genuineness that is so essential to an effective therapeutic alliance. I believe that we all have the strength to overcome and endure but, at times, need an open heart and ear to bear witness to our trials and understand our emotions. My approach to therapy is providing a safe, nonjudgmental space where each client can work alongside me to develop effective skills and strategies that will result in positive life changes.

I was born here in Washington and love the outdoors of the PNW. I love travel, hiking and good food. In my spare time I enjoy painting, cooking, caring for my son, plants, and two cats. I chose counseling as my profession from inspiration as a client of therapy myself. I was able to learn self-love and radical acceptance throughout the years of support that was given to me by my own counselors. I aspire to help my clients obtain such gifts as well.

Lived experience: Woman, mixed ethnicities, cisgender, mother, wife, anxiety, PCOS, estranged family and extreme religious upbringing.

Modalities: EMDR, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Trauma-Focused CBT, Person-Centered Therapy, Motivational Interviewing and Reality Therapy.

Focus: Traumatic live events, PTSD, significant life transitions, women’s issues, relationship conflict, family discord, depression, anxiety, LGBTQIA2+, faith crisis, and abuse survivors, infertility and more.

Insurance: Aetna, Premera, Regence, BCBS, Lifewise, Heritage, Kaiser.

Cash pay: 120-150

This black and white photo features a waist-up shot of Taneisha, a twenty something woman with long dark hair and glasses, who is wearing a dark-colored fitted t-shirt. She is standing at an angle and looking straight ahead at the viewer and smiling warmly with an open mouth. She is standing against a neutral-colored background.
This logo is for Rayuwa Wellness Psychotherapy. It is a horizontal rectangle with a tan background and a slim black border offset. The words Rayuwa Wellness appear in all caps and black font. Under that, the word psychotherapy is shown in all caps, and smaller green font. Above the text is an image of a tree in green.
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Welcome! I’m so glad you are here. My practice focuses on viewing the whole person, including their childhood, relationships, environment, mental and physical health. In our therapy sessions, you may see me referencing attachment theories and person-in-environment theory. I don’t rely on one specific modality to guide therapy. I use a combination of skills I’ve acquired from several modalities. Therapy is individualized for each person, and I think of our sessions as a team effort. We can work together to adjust therapy for you.

In a previous job, I led the development of a training on neurodiversity. I’m also well-versed in several chronic illnesses and pain conditions through hospital social work and lived experience.

My fellow zebras may be familiar with the saying coined by Theodore Woodward, “When you hear hoofbeats, think of horses, not zebras,” which is commonly taught to doctors. This saying often results in individuals feeling invalidated and questioning their symptoms. My hope is that my practice can be a safe space for zebras or anyone that is seeking out someone who will listen and validate their experience. My sessions are a safe space for sex workers, women identifying individuals, those in polyamorous relationships, BIPOC, and all others.

Lived experience: Woman, white, cisgender, chronic illnesses, chronic pain, queer, dancer, trauma, depression, anxiety.

Modalities: Solution-Focused, Person-Centered, Strengths-Based, Mindfulness Therapy, Person-in-Environment, Attachment Theories, Motivational Interviewing, Trauma-Informed, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Lifespan Development

Focus: Ages 13+, chronic illness, chronic pain, LGBTQIA2+, neurodiversity, life stressors and transitions, anxiety, depression, substance use, trauma, and attachment issues.

Insurance: Aetna, Premera, BCBS, Lifewise, Heritage, Regence, Kaiser

Cash pay: $120-150

This black and white image is of Xyla, a twenty something caucasian/hispanic female with long, dark, wavy hair, light colored eyes, a septum piercing and studs on either nostril. She is standing against a light colored wall and wearing a dark colored sweater and is looking directly at the viewer and smiling slightly with a closed mouth.
This logo features the words Bluebird Holistic Counseling in black capital letters. Under that is PLLC in smaller, blue capital letters. Above the text is a black silhouette of a bird sitting on the edge of a next with three blue eggs in it.